Heart Health Month
The POWER of the WALK
For every hour of brisk walking, life expectancy for some people may increase by two hours. Research has shown that walking at a lively pace, for at least 150 minutes a week, can help you…
Think, feel, and sleep better.
Reduce your risk of serious diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several types of cancer.
Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood cholesterol levels.
Increase your energy and stamina.
Improve your mental and emotional well-being and reduce risk of depression.
Improve memory and reduce your risk of dementia.
Boost bone strength and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
Improve your relationship with our planet.
Shifting Your Lifestyle to Help Your Heart
"Increasing physical activity is one of the most important ways to increase longevity and reduce the risk of HEART DISEASE, according to a group of American researchers from leading universities. In fact, the most noticeable health benefits come from shifting from sedentary living to a moderately active lifestyle or from modest increases in cardiorespiratory fitness. Cardiologists recommend ‘moving more’ in recognition that any increase in physical activity has significant benefits and is associated with better health outcomes, independent of cardiorespiratory fitness."
It is important to note here that an “increase in cardiorespiratory fitness” is going to look different for everyone; researchers on heart health aren’t telling everyone to go out and start training for a marathon tomorrow… that would be silly! Instead, one should get a good understanding of their current movement patterns and take intentional steps to increase these movement habits. For example, if you regularly enjoy a couple walks around your neighborhood per week, perhaps you could add in another form of movement to shake things up! This could be going for a bike ride, jogging for half of your usual walking loop, or maybe even giving rollerblading a try! The bottom line is that your movement matters; no one is telling you that “should” become a competitive runner/athlete! Honoring what your body wants and needs out of movement and then giving back to the health of your heart over time is the goal!
The research review is available in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases (2020; doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2020.11.003). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33160944/
Seasonal/Heart Healthy Recipe:
Slow-Cooker Chicken and White Bean Stew
This recipe is a perfect comfort food for colder weekday evenings… but in the spirit of February being heart health month, this recipe is also perfect because beans are rich in minerals that help support a heart health! Additionally, chicken is a great protein to help lower total cholesterol levels over time. This recipe also ties in some seasonal produce for February: carrots and onions. Be sure to support local when you are buying your produce so that our communities can grow and thrive!
Enjoy this delicious Slow-Cooker Chicken and White Bean Stew! It’s warm, delicious, and supportive of a strong/healthy heart!
Thank you for engaging with this month’s content! It’s hard to believe that another season is winding down and spring is just around the corner… but until then,
Take care and be WELL!