Real Stories


Movement became a large part of my identity as a high school athlete. Unfortunately, my relationship with exercise soured as I grew older and got sucked into the media messages of “lose weight fast”, “thin is better”, and “eat less to work more”. I continued to run myself into the ground without proper nourishment, and despite my peers’ “positive” comments on the way my body was changing, it was clear that my body was breaking down. I was burning myself at both ends, mentally and physically, and when my body physically broke, I knew it was time to stop and reassess what was going on.

In our largely dominated, patriarchal society, access to holistic approaches to understanding women’s health is quite scare. Especially as it pertains to nourishment and movement, I specifically struggled to find vetted resources to best support my unique, female body’s needs. However, on my journey towards WELL-being, I am now dedicated to minimizing toxic media consumption and to truly listen to my body. I also no longer exclusively root my identity in fitness; I have learned to expand my interests, build self-compassion for my body, mind, and spirit, and extend gratitude towards my efforts for choosing a more sustainable way of living!

I want to be honest and share that this journey has not been a linear process. It’s a constant asking of difficult questions to those in power, extending grace to myself and others, and leaning on community when needed. But it’s so worth it!