Sustainable Wardrobe
A SUSTAINABLE lifestyle can mean a lot of different things to people.
For me, it began with wanting less stuff, less clutter, more margin more space to BE.
I, like most people I knew, felt compelled to have the latest trends and styles and to never repeat an outfit. The bombardment of advertising dollars spent on the fashion industry is staggering. All to get us to spend more money on things we do not need. The harsh reality is the fashion industry is a large contributor to our carbon footprint, landfill and climate crisis. Not to mention the unethical treatment of factory workers.
Somewhere in my 30s this started to feel suffocating and NOT Sustainable.
I started to embrace the idea of more space in my closet and empty drawers. LESS STUFF.
I REWEAR clothes for years. I have had the same 2 dresses and I have worn to every event the past 10 years.
This year with a slew of events I made the decision to purchase one dress and a top. I have worn them everywhere and I know they will be my staples for years to come.
Finding a style that makes you feel good in your skin is one of the most sustainable lifestyle tips you will ever embrace. If you need help finding your style invest in a personal stylist. The tips they give you will save you time and money in the long run.
Take care of the clothes you have. Washing in cold water with detergents formulated to work in cold water will add years of life to your clothes. Hang/fold your clothes properly. Last, learn simple mending techniques or find a seamstress for minor repairs.
Own YOUR beauty and be comfortable in your skin, you are remarkable.