Reusing and Living with Less
When I first started buying groceries on my own, I made it a point to purchase reusable bags so that I could eliminate a portion of my plastic consumption. I also bought reusable produce bags for when I’m buying fresh fruit or veggies; a little goes a long way! But how does this really turn into a lifestyle? Well again, it starts with taking the first steps towards individual sustainable practices. This could look as small as choosing to recycle plastic products at your home to as big as saving your own food scraps for composting. Whatever you decide, make living sustainably work for you!
I also frequently thrift and up-cycle my clothing. This is especially important to me personally because thousands of pounds of clothes get dumped into landfills every year. Can you even imagine that? Additionally, poorly regulated textile factories make it difficult for workers in the clothing industry to receive a livable wage. By supporting local clothing stores and recycling my wardrobe, not only am I supporting my community, but I’m also doing my (small) part in helping to preserve the textile industry for future generations.
In terms of living with less, I frequently ask myself “do I really need this”? When I stop and take the time to really get to the bottom of this question, I almost always leave the store without purchasing the item. Another quick way to declutter your life of “things” would be to try the 30 day challenge. What is this?? Well… on Day 1, find one thing to get rid of in your home. On Day 2, find two things. Day 3, three things… and so on until Day 30 when you have to try and get rid of 30 things! It could be articles of clothing, old decorations, or really anything! You might be amazed by how much “stuff” is just laying around and collecting dust in your house!
My personal journey with living with less to help enhance the sustainability of my local community really took off when I started regularly listening to and following The Minimalists: Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicademus. Podcasting and public speaking duo, these two “ex-corporate” workers have inspired thousands to ditch a life of consumerism and replace it with minimalism. However, the premise of their message isn’t just physical “stuff” minimalism. It’s also about mental minimalism; decluttering your thoughts to make room for peace and stillness.
Even doing small things to contribute to environmental sustainability makes a large impact in the long term. Whether it’s bringing your own bags to the grocery store, thrifting and up-cycling your clothes, or choosing to cut back on all the “stuff” you keep in your home, just do something! Our Mother Earth needs us now more than ever! <3